Turnover Day!- July 23rd Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Whoa! First session sure flew by! As the first session campers began to depart back home after breakfast, our full session campers left camp on a top secret turnover day trip.
Thank you to all of our first session campers for making these past 4 weeks a blast. It was truly a pleasure to witness all of your accomplishments, as well as your dedication and commitment to trying new things and developing new skills. The campers are the biggest factor as to what makes Birch Rock so awesome – although we are sad to see you leave today, we cannot wait to see you again next summer!
With first session over, we can’t wait for these next 3 weeks and we will make sure we cherish the rest of our time here this summer. We are looking forward to the arrival of new campers tomorrow and it is sure to be another amazing session!
Best Bed: Gus Tringale
Best Cabin: Denaults Den
Supercamper: Kenneth Duran