First Day of Activities for Second Session!- July 25th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

The first day of activities in second session started off with a bang, but that bang was the sound of rain pounding down on our cabin roofs as we awoke for breakfast. Unfortunately, most first and second period activities were cancelled due to rain and unsafe conditions, but that did not stop us from having fun. Some of us went to the lodge and some of us went to the boat house to play card games. Some younger campers made a very in-depth war re-enactment with toy soldiers, it was so cool! And besides, we have been needing more rain this summer, anyways.
After lunch, the rain had subsided and the ground dried up enough for waterfront and field activities to go back to normal. While this was the very first day of activities for a lot of campers, that did not mean it was going to be a slow or uneventful day. No, far from it. Gabe E. swam his loon! Also, Abe C. earned his senior soccer badge and Brendan S. and Cole C. earned their bread and butter (junior pickleball) badges!
For lunch, we had some delicious mac and cheese with kielbasa, and dinner we had equally delicious chicken tenders. At lunch, we celebrated Logan in the office’s birthday. Well, it was not really his birthday, but we pretended that it was so that we had an excuse to applaud him and thank him for all the hard work he puts in.
At lunch, Campfire MCs Kenny and Theo made an announcement wearing tinfoil hats. They said the hats were to protect themselves from all the dangerous 5G and radiation being spread by the government. It was then that the campfire theme for this week was announced: “Conspiracies, Cults, and Cryptozoology”.
The Bears had to pack during their rest periods today because they are preparing for 4 day trips of either hiking on the “Presis” (Presidential Mountain Range in New Hampshire) or canoeing on Rangeley Lakes. The day ended with two truly epic evening activity games of smashball (tennis baseball) with the lower campers and kickball with the upper campers. Both age levels had a blast playing the games.
Today was definitely a transition day, with all the new campers learning and adjusting to the Birch Rock way of life, but if you looked around today, all you could see were smiling faces and campers giddy with excitement. You can feel the energy in the air, everyone is excited for second session!
Best Swim Tent Spot: Sam M.
Best Bed: Wyatt K.
Best Cabin: Zig House
Super Camper: William K.
(***The last 5 pictures from today’s blog are from the MWA trip. We will post any pictures whenever they are shared with us.***)