Chasing Shadows- July 31st Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Midnight phantom. Conspiracy. Espionage. Madness.
Camp is in a state of panic. Accusations are flying around like arrows at archery. Most of us think we know who is behind all of this but are really as mystified as a character from an Agatha Christie novel.
There is hope. Detectives Traub and Protas are deeply investigating the matter and collecting more and more evidence with each passing bell.
Despite the Midnight Phantom mystery, we were able to celebrate one of our most cherished brethren on staff. We were all so happy to welcome Jared Wichard into the Decade Club. Jared does it all! He drives canoe trailers, makes the 4th of July real and spectacular, rigs up a generator to the kitchen in the middle of the night when the power is out (I suspect the Midnight Phantom) and helps out with sailing and all things watercraft. He also has a great big smile all the time and has a warm spirit that we all look up to. Thank you Jared!
Espionage! Detective Traub led us in an exciting, fast paced game of decoding and flag grabbing. It was hype! The teams used their speed and wits to break the secret code first! It was so sick!
After a delicious dinner that was a little fishy, probably more midnight phantom shenanigans, we had a nice mellow time to reflect at Tree Talk. Campers shared why they come to camp every year and also what Birch Rock stands for to them. It was wonderful to hear from campers as they spoke loud and proud in front of the whole camp. Stephen C., Kain H. and Gabe E. all shared why they come to camp every summer. Themes of community, kindness and personal growth were all shared with a beautiful pink sunset behind the rock.
We settled down for a much needed night of rest, some of us with one eye open for the phantom lurking in the night.
Best Bed: Manny T.
Best Cabin: Zig House
Super Camper: Jimmy M.