The Trial for the Midnight Phantom!- August 3rd Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Following yesterday evening’s festivities infused with a tragic demise, camp was expecting closure on the “murder” of Musc during the Clue themed dinner. At the morning bell, the head counselor was not Musc but in fact a ghost who wore Musc’s orange hat. He also spoke like Musc but in a quavering voice and wore a white sheet. I guess we’ll never know who the head counselor was this morning.
In the morning, several Ducks and Loons were spotted on the lake: Chase B. completed his loon while Michael N. and Jimmy M. swam their Ducks.
As the day progressed, it became increasingly notable that the overall noise level of campus was faint in comparison to a usual Wednesday, as the Wolves have all left on trips, canoeing and hiking respectively. Trip Leader Kye C. and Camp Counselor Eli P. have taken their pack on a trip through the Kancamagus Highway, while our resident EMT and former Trip Leader Abe T. and counselor Jake Z. whisked away their group for a peaceful canoe passage up and around Lake Umbagog.
And so, it came to the date of the trial. Two campers awaited judgment for being the Midnight Phantom, Cormick T. and Manny T. Both campers graciously anticipated their trial, but the court scene proved itself to be more of a Kangaroo Court than a formalized court. Representing the Lower Campers, who had suffered most of the Midnight Phantom’s attacks, was the Chipmunk Hole counselor Hugh J. and Lower Camper Solomon S. Defending the accused were Dogpatch counselors Nick F. and Aaron O. The defense rushed to an early lead by showing that Manny was an upstanding camper. On the prosecution’s side, they were able to impeach Cormick’s character as well as place him at the scene of the crime for the jury to rule him guilty. The courtroom was filled with characters: the bailiff, Seth B., swore in witnesses on the Dungeons and Dragons handbook, the judge Mike Mattson ate popcorn the whole time, and the jury read picture books.
The temperate evening closed with some shepherd’s pie. Nick announced that “Wombat” was the evening activity which really meant it could be any of our usual selection of evening activities. A few campers snuck off through the afternoon and evening with CIT Director Peter and went on a boat fishing excursion down the lake. They reported having caught a few small fish having traveled a couple of minutes down the shore to the prime fishing spot on the lake.
The sunset’s glow in August is not a fluorescent pink but a hazy rose permeating the sky. Taking a peek down at the Disco Deck before the sun set, the lake appeared as though it was pink lemonade as it reflected the sky’s hue. Tomorrow brings another full day of activities!
Best Swim Spot: Parker B.
Best Bed: Sergio L.
Best Cabin: Pete’s Palace
Super Camper: James C.