Cubs II Arrive! – July 9th
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

On this overcast July morning all of us at camp awoke to whale sounds. No it wasn’t the blue whales or orcas, but Jamie C. swimming his way around Lake McWain. After a classic Birch Rock breakfast of eggs, potatoes, and bacon camp returned to our cabins for a nice long Sunday cleanup. While everyone was neatly folding their trunks and formulating crisp 45 degree hospital corners when a bell rang, followed by the shout of WHALE! Then we all went to the waterfront the cheer Jamie C. in.
In the hours that followed camp took showers (toga themed of course) freshening up and putting on our finest Birch Rock Uniforms for a delicious Sunday dinner. By that time our Cubs II campers arrived!!!! Chef Jon whipped us up a wonderful thanksgiving style meal of Turkey, Stuffing, mashed potatoes and green beans. Some incredible cookies made the perfect desert.
In the afternoon upper camp held the Frisbee Golf masters, which unfortunately did not finish in time, however camper Nico T. was in the lead at the conclusion of the festivities. At this time, lower camp was participating in an incredible scavenger hunt. The campers were looking low, they were looking high, and boy they were discovering artifacts such as the original Birch Rock sign, the year Rich Deering swam his whale and even a four leaf clover.
Tired out from a long day of activities camp adjourned for a well earned rest period. As the sun started getting closer to the hills across McWain camp assembled once more for flagpole, shortly followed be another incredible dinner of sloppy joes and Fritos where we finally got to enjoy whale cake celebrating the achievement of Jamie C.
Tree talk, our weekly Sunday evening activity was all about gratitude. Each cabin elected one representative to speak about what gratitude meant to them, where all campers spoke eloquently and provided us from Hilton A to Chief’s cabin with some wisdom to think about as we went to bed excited for our long day of activities tomorrow.