Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

With the start of a new week, we wake up to the sound of the bell ringing, and also, the rain drops falling. Some might think that rainy days would bring campers down, but not ours! Everybody gets ready for flagpole and start the day with delicious french toast and sausages (and don’t forget maple syrup).
Despite the rain and not being able to carry out our field activities, the campers came together inside the lodge to share a good time and have a laugh, whether it was playing board games, magic or just having a good conversation.
Although indoor activities triumphed today because of the cloudy skies, the biggest success took place in the waterfront. And it wasn’t just a single achievement like yesterday’s spectacular whale, but 5 different campers who completed either their DUCK or their LOON. The campers who completed their DUCK were Angel F., Beckett H., and Johann D.. And those who were able to swim their LOON were Charlie L. and Brayden Z..
In between these many swims, the boys had grilled cheese sandwiches with soup and veggies for lunch, to recover strength and keep up the good work. After eating they went for their usual quick clean-up break and got their cabins looking nice and neat for when the last inspection came.
Following an afternoon under the rain’s tireless watch, all of camp once again gathered for flagpole, where the excitement began to grow. Who will be today’s winners? The question was answered soon after, this time by Peter B.. The awards for best bed and best cabin where given to Alex Y. and Dog Patch. And todays awarded super camper was Everett G.!
Into the lodge the campers went for their last meal of the day, the long awaited pork chops with a side of rice and broccoli. A bunch of funny announcements where made after dinner and the climax came with evening activity; board games in the cabin! Once more laughing at the rain, for it would not stop us birch rockers from having a great time now and every remaining day.