Charades – July 12th
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

We had an early wake up at 7:30 with clear skies. For breakfast this morning we had some delicious croissant, egg, and sausage sandwiches and has browns, followed by first and second period. The lake was cool with a nice breeze which balanced out the hot sun for the day.
For lunch our waiters acted like video game characters while handing out sandwiches and cookies. Just after fourth period our Moose age campers came back from their hiking and canoeing trip ready to sleep through second rest.
Sadly before dinner it began raining, so we ate inside having pasta shells to which almost everyone got seconds of. It was announced that we would play charades for evening activity as the field was wet, we organized ourselves by cabin and were given a theme. First was cabin counselors, then animals and lastly cabin activities. Each cabin would write on a slip of paper their answer and place it into a bowl, the answers would be chosen at random and the cabin to guess the most right would win!
Lower camp headed to bed while upper camp enjoyed their 3rd rest just in time for the skies to clear and to get a full rest for a day full of fun activities tomorrow.