Hades Comes to Lunch – July 19th
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Today was a beautiful day! We woke up at 7:30 to the sun shining and the birds chirping. Lower camp gathered up their laundry, getting ready for packing day. At flagpole, we gave an echo of “Let’s Go Teddy!” to today’s whale, Mr. Teddy McCormick. Breakfast was a typical eggs, bacon, and potatoes, but the eggs had some nice vegetables in them to spice it up! We had an extra long cleanup to make camp look sharp, and to my understanding, it most definitely did! First period was a flurry of activity as campers race against time to finish up badges before the end of first session, and many were given out. Second period was much of the same, but it did end slightly early so the whole camp could come down to cheer on Teddy as he finished his whale, an amazing accomplishment. Congratulations to Teddy! We had a great general swim, and up at Free Time, Pete led a game of upper camp Mafia, which was super fun!
Lunch, however, took the cake. Get it? Because we had whale cake for Teddy! We had what was, in my opinion, the best lunch at Birch Rock. It was pulled pork with options of either Sweet Baby Rays barbecue sauce OR Carolina tangy gold! Does it get any better??!! After we celebrated Teddy, we thought lunch was over. We thought wrong. Hades, god of the Underworld, came thundering out to tell us the story of the Owl, and his mutinous son, the Falcon. A fight between the two ensued, and was hastily stopped, as we learned the battle would be concluded on the hill, where we would play ILIAN!!!! Instead of afternoon activities, we all joined our respective teams and headed up to the field to play.
After two rounds of intense battle(but no injuries!) the owl and falcon teams were TIED! So we played one last elimination round, with the last two campers remaining being Jake LeRoy and Jorge Cespedes, with Jake coming out on top and securing the victory and the kingdom for the Owls! As the Falcon, I was a little disappointed in the team loss, but had a great time overall! We then had a long, amazing general swim. Why was it amazing, you might be wondering? Because I ran it! Buddy Up’s were crisp and on time, and everybody dunked their head and cleaned off their body paint from Ilian!
We then had a relaxing second rest, with Bee’s Hive and Hornet’s Nest playing some heated Magic the Gathering all throughout. As we arrived at flagpole, people were at a loss at to why there were no tables set up! We quickly found out the reason for that was Cabin Night!! Each group of cabins gathered up their crates of food and headed to their respective fire pits for fun filled nights of hot dogs (or “red snappers” as I recently learned they were called) and s’mores. Afterwards, my group of Bee’s Hive, Hornet’s Nest, and Walker went for a relaxing sunset swim, which was a great way to cap off the night!
Best Bed: Vincent Rong
Best Cabin: Pete’s Palace
Super camper: Teddy M
Written by Josh Rubin