Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

To the full session campers the torrential downfall of rain this morning was nothing new, but to our second session campers it was a welcome surprise. We started the morning strong with a scrumptious breakfast of French toast and sausages. Counselor Theo Trinagle enticed the campers with yet another essay competition, having them write about the goodness of rain. 

Most first period activities met in the Lodge or Boathouse for some rainy day fun, but that didn’t stop Michael N. from swimming his Loon in a heavy downpour of rain. Field activities had an opportune moment to work on knowledge-based parts of badges leading Billy A., Michael M., James P., and Thomas W., to be true Pickle-bros and earn their Junior Pickleball badges, the Bread and Butter. Sensei Rob Neff and his assistant Sempai Brennan G. led the Bears in a special Karate lesson & demonstration this morning as well. The martial art is a great way to engage not just the body but the mind as well! 

After a delicious grilled cheese and soup lunch, Rowan G. and JC B. felt warm enough to give their own Loons a go after Michael’s swim in the morning. The Wolves and Otters played a riveting series of mafia games on the Disco Deck, as the Bears played Magic, board games, and legos inside the lodge. The beautiful sound of music was heard from the Boathouse fourth period as some campers are practicing for an upcoming special event! 

To end the day, Scholar Sammy Whammy and his assistant Swampy led camp in a battle of Trivia with categories ranging from Sports to BRC questions. Our brains were tuckered out as we all sang “Hit the Hay” and brought this wet but lovely day to a close!

Written by John Flannery

Best Bed: Micah S. 

Super Camper: Brennan G. 

Best Cabin: Tourmaline