Wild Wild West – July 6th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

The day of wild west antics started in the morning with Gauge Henderson being tied to train tracks. He was run over by a moving locomotor and perished. All of camp mourned the loss of this incredibly young and new counselor.
During the morning camp was in full swing and fun as always. Amos L. earned his Jr. Sailing Badge. Solomon S., Etan M., and Eli Z. all earned their Jr. Maine Woodsmen Badge an extremely prestigious badge for our younger campers.
At lunch, another gun fight broke out. Sherif Flannery killed our beloved head counselor Nick Musciano. Many campers were weeping.
The afternoon was hot and sticky. Jesus R., Alvaro V., Wyatt K., and Jayden W. all were up on the hill practicing their archery skills. They all shot very well and earned their Yeoman (Jr.) Archery Badge. All four campers have improved over several periods of Archery.
The baseball crew came down the hill and played wiffleball in the shade while listening the Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees game. They were very thrilled to get to chew Big League Chew while playing ball.
We received some well needed rain in the afternoon during rest period which cooled things off. Dinner was an amazing experience for all. We had a delicious Western themed meal that included pulled pork sandwiches, coleslaw, cornbread, baked beans, succotash of peas and corn, beef jerky, Slim Jims. The “saloon” had an open bar with a variety of thirst-quenching virgin drinks. In the basement of the saloon there were card games for the campers to play.
The meal was closed out with a crazy gun battle between the desperado and the sheriffs of the town. The desperado killed many sheriffs with his extremely fast shooting. Luckily, sharp shooting Mike Mattson came and saved the day for all of camp defeating the evil desperado. Everyone rejoiced!
The night was closed out with campfire. There were many amazing skits. The night started with a commercial about western caviar consisting of succotash and beans with a warning that beans are good for your heart, but if you eat too many, they make you fart. We learned that Lebron James is the GOAT of soccer. A few hillbillies drank some very strange drinks. There was a lasso contest between campers. It seems Gangnam Style dancing was popular in the old west. Of course, there were many gun fights.
The counselors continued the story of Frodo and his merry band of hobbits in a western themed genre. They fought of the gun slinging Nazgul and pledged to return the golden whistle to Mount Doom.
Jayden W. earned super camper of the day for his great attitude and trying new things. Best bed was achieved by Liam B while best cabin went to Eagles Nest. Camp is looking forward to a relaxing and recharging Sunday.