Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Happy Wednesday! Today we woke up after a chilly night’s sleep. It was actually refreshing to have a cold night after some of the heat we have been dealing with all summer. We kicked off the day with French toast and sausages, followed by sloppy joes for lunch and chicken cacciatore, featuring John’s delicious garlic bread, for dinner. We also celebrated Caleb B.’s birthday today! He has been an awesome camper in his first year here at Birch Rock Camp, and it was exciting to celebrate his big day with all of his new friends here. We celebrated with a dessert of his choosing: brownies and vanilla ice cream. It was delicious!

These meals were accompanied by plenty of badge announcements as we approach our final few days of activities. Gustavo F. had a great day, earning his Half Sour (senior pickleball) badge and swimming his loon. Cormick T. and Alden W. earned their Junior Kayaking. James K. earned his Senior Tennis badge. Charlie L. and Ben B. got Junior Campcraft badges. Wilson N. earned his Junior Tennis Badge. Robben N. got his Junior Basketball in just one period.

We concluded the day by playing one of the most infamous evening activities at BRC, 4 Core! This game is a 4 team capture the flag game of pure chaos, with each team protecting their flags, or “cores”, in one square and attacking the other three. Each of the four teams won one round and a great time was had by all. We concluded the night by walking next door to our great neighbors, the Plates, to wish them a good night and thank them for their generosity and hospitality as neighbors. We love to do this tradition a few times every year. We sang a couple Birch Rock songs before screaming “good night, Plates!!” before sprinting back to camp. Tomorrow, expect to see more badges being earned as the final push for badges wages on. 

Best Bed: Quinn V.

Best Cabin: Dogpatch

Super Camper: Caleb B.