A NEW STAFF CABIN: Semanas – In Honor Of David C. Weeks
It was a fitting tribute to a living legend. On the most perfect summer camp day, the afternoon of July 28th, Birch Rockers spanning 50 years stood on tender grass sloping up to a stately new cabin. Then, they began speaking. Dave Weeks’ colleagues from Hub Burton to Rich Deering to Seth Brewster stood up and spoke about the power and importance of Dave’s service and his unparalleled qualities.
Everyone gathered there recognized Dave as a leading contributor to the BRC community that pours knowledge, spirit, and confidence into developing boys. Finally Dave spoke, and with his kind smile and warm tone, he reminded us how far you can go just by remembering to look up, laugh, love, and lift.
At last it was time to reveal the name of the cabin honoring Dave’s legacy. Matt Rotman, the craftsman of the new plaque, pulled the drop-cloth away to reveal the name of the cabin –
“SEMANAS” which is Spanish for “weeks.” Dave’s old camp nickname Semanas highlights how his identity is rooted in education and sharing across all boundaries and cultures.
After rousing Birch Rock cheers, everyone had an opportunity to congratulate Dave and see the inside of Semanas. Dave’s message to me that day: “Never forget to constantly give of yourself.”
That Saturday afternoon we reflected not just on Dave’s past accomplishments, but also on his enduring vision and wisdom that will shape the lives of staff and campers for years to come.
––Sebastian Tringale