7.3.16 – Easy Like Sunday Morning
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

The first full BRC Sunday of the summer was as sweet as the crunchy brown sugar glaze on Janice’s signature blueberry crumble. After another night of ideally cool and dry sleeping weather, the day began and stayed mellow (except for a brief burst of energy during Cross-Camp Ninja Kitties vs. Puppy Pirates Capture the Flag this afternoon), providing a day to scrub down, dress up and recharge the batteries for another jam-packed week.
For those who are curious, the typical Sunday around here goes something like this: late wake-up; the aforementioned blueberry crumble for breakfast; super-mega-ultra cabin cleanup; showers; writing letters home; Thanksgiving dinner with the trimmings for lunch; an afternoon activity; a long General Swim; a Rest Period; supper; and, finally, Tree Talk down at the Birch Rock, weather permitting.
Being the eve of the Fourth of July, this evening’s topic was, fittingly, independence. The Counselors-in-Training (Jack D., Matt R., Liam F., Jack C., Ken H. and Henry F.) each spoke to the community about how Birch Rock has fostered independence in each of their lives over the many summers they have spent here. After a round of “This Land is Your Land” and the Sunset Song, the sun dipped below the hills right on cue and brought a sparkling finale to a tranquil day.
Today’s Superlatives
Best Bed: Ty D.
Best Cabin: Quartz
Super Camper: Aidan A.
Special Recognitions
Camper Birthday: Gus T.
Ten-Year Vest: Trip Leader Chris
Tomorrow’s Action
Late wake-up; Waterford Parade; BBQ ribs; international staff day off; BRC Carnival!; fireworks; 0% chance of rain (see entry for 7/4/15)