7.9.16 – Sassy Classy Saturday
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Sometime before the crows began their sunrise squawking and Jon and the kitchen crew diced up the potatoes, an unusual sound began to spread throughout camp. It began as a whisper high up in the pines and elms, then pattered softly onto cabin roofs, and dripped unceremoniously from the eaves to the thirsty ground below. Yep, rain – the good, slow, soaking kind that hangs around for a few days and begins to green things up again. Janice had better gas up the mower for next week because photosynthesis is afoot!
Okay, enough beating around the Bee Bush. It was a wet, soupy, misty, foggy day, but it wasn’t dreary around here. Despite chilly conditions on the waterfront, activities went on unimpeded except for those up on the field. And who doesn’t like Wee Blocks in the Lodge basement? Forget about it!
Badges went out aplenty: Jed K., Sam K., Mateo F. and Charlie T. earned the rank of Deckhand in Sailing; Ryan F. earned his Penobscot rating in Canoeing; Jonah K. and Spencer H. were recognized for Jr. Mountain Biking badges earned yesterday; Charlie T. earned his Jr. Nature badge, in addition to his Avid Reader badge alongside Jackson B.; and Waterfront Director Ben unofficially gave out Jr. Zoomba badges to all of the Bears in First Period Instructional Swim.
Elsewhere, it was Potent Potables day with Kieran at Bushcraft this afternoon, Wet Fire day at Campcraft, and Junior Maine Guide training day for Asa K., Chris K. and Jeffrey N-K. up at Bryant Pond. And, believe it or not, Don Miguel, Birch Rock’s Counselor Emeritus, arrived today for an extended sabbatical from the hustle and bustle of San Francisco. Expect some fishing, golfing and other advanced leisure activities in the coming weeks.
The journalist had the pleasure of catching up with Benjamin G. at tonight’s smorgasbord of bratwurst dogs and chicken sandwiches. Hailing from Brooklyn, NY, the second-year seven-weeker from Bee’s Hive gave me the lowdown on living in the hippest borough on the East Coast. He’s pumped to be back at BRC for a full summer and loves everything about camp, especially the sports and general friendliness. He had a lot of fond memories from last year, particularly the time The Gage, his cabin counselor, woke them up as a member of the Blue Man Group and then came back from the Washhouse and pretended like nothing happened.
The theme of this week’s Campfire was “Dynamic Duos,” and there was no shortage of marvelous pairs: Putin & Obama; John & Monte Basbas; Birch Rock & Arcadia; Ryan Adams & Mick Jagger; SpongeBob SquarePants & Patrick; Trip Leaders Chris & Bryan; Peanut Butter & Jelly & Marshmallow Fluff; Ketchup & Mustard & Relish & Sauerkraut; Bruce Springsteen & Levon Helm; Captain Nemo & Country Bob; and, of course, the Analogy Cowboys featuring Devon A. and Hugh J. who exchanged the tamest insulting metaphors from the mild frontier.
Long after the hay has been hit, it’s a downpour, I tell ya. Good thing it’s another late wake up tomorrow.
Today’s Superlatives
Best Bed: Cole D.
Best Cabin: 8
Super Camper: Eric P.
Tomorrow’s Action
Janice’s blueberry crumble; Cubs II arrives; showers; letters; epic rest periods; turkey dinner; Tree Talk; Don Miguel tells stories