7.11.16- Batman symbol, Sigma and 4
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Finally, after burrowing in its secluded cabin watching General Hospital reruns for the weekend, the sun heaved out of its bed to smile on the McWain Hill lakeside. The camp soon followed, brushing off the warm fuzzy haze for a hard core start to week number three. But Birch Rock was missing something: Birch Rock’s favorite columnist The Coach. So I, senior camper Sebastian Tringale, to fill the lapse in the system began to compulsively record events on my hand. When I realized that was unhealthy, I snuck in to the office and broadcasted the day on the Birch Blog.
After a fulfilling breakfast and knowing that 95% of Birch Rock loves to read, I set out on my day with Socrates K. from Queens, NY. This fine young Birch Rocker immediately set out for campcraft to play with knives and fire as safely as one can. Next, manning the bow of his canoe, tore through the whitecaps of the lake fending off the tentacles of the kraken with a lone paddle. General Swim brought relieving but shockingly cold waters due to our weekend rain.
Lunch featured a terrific pulled pork followed by badges and success. Sam K. is now junior nature certified, and Luke L. flashed his junior baseball. Baseball standings sent the camp into a frenzy of paranoia as Price M’s Orioles sat on top of the JOB club’s (Just Outside of Boston) Red Sox. Will M was furious with his Rays for injuries. The reporter caught up with James Long after the meal and was the only one pleased. His two favorite teams, the Reds and the Twins combined for 41 games behind instead of the former 45. As promised, Gage, Gordon, and Curtis brought the crazy announcing headlines such as the contraband bust of twenty-eight packs of gummy worms found in a loose rock behind Buzzard’s Roost, and the oncoming weather: there’s lots of it. These notices prefaced the theme of next week’s campfire: Newscast.
The afternoon presented spotty clouds and an adventure in the art room. We waved goodbye to the Beavers (Bee’s Hive, Hornet’s Nest, and Walker), Gage, and Chris C, setting off for Caribou Mountain. In art, Socrates turned out an impeccable monogram on fuse beads as well as a perfect copy of the Mona Lisa. After swimming fourth period, Socrates channeled the knowledge from his name and beat the reporter soundly in a game of chess.
Dinner’s announcements revealed a plethora of achievements from the campers. Gus V, Jake Z, Ethan S, and Seth B turned out both Junior and Senior Volleyball badges. Nathan S. earned his Yeoman and Ethan S. earned his Bowman in archery, Erik T. earned his Junior Woodshop, while Lev T. earned his Junior Tennis badge. Finally, with the absence of The Coach, the camp dove into a scalp-scratching game of hangman to discover the evening activity. Guesses ranged from K to 4 to sigma to batman symbol, as we arrived to the conclusion that Quorum would be our game of choice. It was a perfect disguise for me to start writing.
Today’s Superlatives:
Best Bed: Erik T.
Best Cabin: Chipmunk Hole
Supercamper: Chris K.
Tomorrow’s Action:
BRCNN, Taco Tuesday, Don Miguel’s Excellent Adventure, Percy solos a field trip to Sanderson’s