7.13.16 – Hot In East Waterford
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Well, the journalist is back after surviving his long, strange trip with the CITs. Our cub reporter Sebastian T. deserves a rousing Birch Rock Cheer for holding down the fort and getting the news out to our loyal subscribers. If you couldn’t tell, the kid has lots of potential.
As advertised, it was certainly a scorchah out there today, which meant extra water breaks, copious amounts of sunscreen and using any method available to stay cool. It wasn’t long before Running Through Janice’s Sprinklers in the New and Old Groves became a sanctioned camp activity. David C. dreamed of the cool Pacific waters while giving the journalist the lowdown on surfing. Matt S. cleverly found the only air-conditioned spot on camp — the vans — by signing up for Riflery, which requires a 5-minute trip to the range. Hilton went on a Monster Hunt around camp. Third period tennis had Retro Day, featuring short shorts and excessive sweat-absorbing accessories. And the BRC Ice Cream Truck rolled through in the middle of fourth period with a tantalizing selection of frozen treats that prevented many campers from melting in the nick of time. Hard to believe we were all in sweaters a few days ago, eh?
Otherwise, activities trooped on unimpeded. Alexandre T. earned his Yeoman and Julian W. his Bowman in Archery; John N. knocked his Jr. Baseball badge out of the park; Will H. paddled forward, backward and around in circles to earn his Penobscot badge in Canoeing; and Archie C. took another step toward his Sr. Nature badge by educating the community about the leopard frog during lunch announcements. A few long-distance swims also went out today: Joe B. and Luke L. swam across the lake for their Ducks, and Gus T. doubled back for his Loon.
The Moose also hit the road today — half went a-paddling across Flagstaff Lake, while the others went a-hiking up Bald Face Mountain out in Grafton Notch.
For the nightcap, the Guses (all four of them) were the guests of honor at dinner, sitting next to the table heads, and The Moosh returned to introduce the evening activity. It was Wombat, of course (the Orb variation). Afterward, everyone enjoyed a much-needed General Swim to wash off a day’s worth of sticky sweat.
And we’ll do it all again tomorrow.
Today’s Superlatives
Best Bed: Luke F.
Best Cabin: Tourmaline
Super Camper: Archie C.
Tomorrow’s Action
Mystery Box!