7.17.16 – A See-saw Sunday
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Today was supposed to be a sparkling, sunny, easy-to-program day for a relaxed Birch Rock Sunday. Mother Nature obviously didn’t get the memo. Splash-and-dash rainstorms kept everyone guessing all day, but we managed to fit in a little of everything before all was said and done.
The usual morning fare of showers and letter-writing went on unhindered, as did the weekly dinner and a fast-paced game of Geronimo. Mostly. An hour in, just as the Berserkers (the CITs) were loosed upon the Red Wolves and Black Elk to create maximum havoc, the threatening clouds boomed and unleashed their liquid bounty for the second time today, sending campers scurrying to their cabins.
But it didn’t mean the fun was over for the afternoon. No, there was plenty of time left for Cabin Competitions in the Lodge. Fabulous prizes such as “Pick the Evening Activity” and “Maid Service for Inspection” enticed campers to reveal their hidden talents. Lev T. wowed the crowd with his pot belly-to-gut suck performance; Devon A. impressed even Coach with his on-spot impersonation; Michael V. most coherently said “Chubby Bunny” with a dozen marshmallows in his mouth; Charlie S. delighted all with his Daffy Duck voice; Massi E. did the best impression of a kitten; Seamus W. crafted the farthest-flying paper airplane; and Aidan A. blew everyone away with his breakdancing set.
By then, the skies had cleared and a much-needed General Swim was on! But another round of rain blitzed through during dinner, forcing Tree Talk indoors for a second straight week. Chief Mike challenged the community with the story of the wolf pack who slacked and the Cabin 8 gentlemen led a discussion on what “Help the Other Fellow” has meant to them.
We’ve got a big week coming up, so stay tuned. And a big thanks once again to cub reporter Sebastian T. and Asa K. for filling in yesterday.
Today’s Superlatives
Best Bed: Sebastian T.
Best Cabin: Walker
Super Camper: Luke F.
Special Recognition
Ten-Year Club: Counselor Toby
Tomorrow’s Action
Mountain Biking departs for Kingdom Trails, VT; Cubs depart for Crooked River; Focus Group #2!; Philosophy Club with The Gage, in which the meaning of life, the origin of ethics, and the evidence for and against the existence of the McWain Monster are pondered aloud in classy but fake European accents