7.26.16 – A Day Packed with Particularly Portent, Peculiar Paradoxes
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Today was a hot day here at the rock, or as the locals say a scorcher (pronounced “skawchah”). Taco Tuesday came in full force as the campers lined the driveway to feed their hungry selves with the second best thing since Pizza Friday, a long time classic that all campers love. Over in canoeing a classic game of “who can swamp their canoe first” was afoot as a strong breeze ripped its way across the surface of the lake.
In other news a hybrid frog-snake was found during second period campcraft, and which drew the attention of many a passer-by. Eyob G. described the creation as a “snakey-frogey-thingy”. “It” later turned out to be not a mutant at all, but actually a frog being eaten by a smaller snake. Confusion and responsibility were quelled and claimed by Kieran S., who admitted today that mutants were a hobby of his.
In badges today, the field was buzzing with activity and their progress was shown by two jr. lacrosse badges for James L. and Owen F. as well as a jr. volleyball for Theo T., a jr. soccer for Jakie G. and Leo K.’s jr BB Guns (The Daisy). Then it was the waterfront’s turn to show their work with Theo T.’s jr. sailing and some songs from Duncan G. and Joaquim B. for their jr. kayaking, featuring “This land is your land” and “Panda” respectively.
To finish off the evening we had an amazing outdoor meal of stuffed peppers in the grove. To follow up this culinary curiosity. We pulled out a few campers as decibel meters and chose between camp songs, orb, and capture the flag. It started out with a dead-tie for capture the flag and camp songs, but unfortunately there were twice as many campers as staff and capture the flag won. After and hour of action of capture the flag, we sang let’s hit the hay and we did just that.
Today’s Superlatives
Best Bed: Crossan C.
Best Cabin: Chipmunk Hole
Super Camper: James L.
Tomorrow’s Action
MWA continues to trek through the Maine wilderness, Inspection lessons for the new guys, Last-Biting Last-Biters, and lots of reading in lower camp.