7.28.16 – The Strangely Stuffy Scorchah Signs-Off
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

The final day of the “scorchah” brought the perfect conditions for today’s main event… Cape Day!!!!!! Staff and campers alike wore capes of all shapes sizes and patterns. There were American flags, Swedish flags, German flags, even a flag for Illinois, as well as capes made from towels, blankets, ponchos, and more. It was also mentioned that prizes would be handed out to the best capes.
Unfortunately due to an inconvenient storm, there were a low amount of badges today. Fritz O. got his jr. mountain biking, Sam Reynolds and Yusha A. got their jr. kayaking, and Stu W. earned his GOB. But, to make up for the lack of badges, Colin S. swam his duck and Eric R. swam his loon. Then to top of the morning Stu W. swam around the entire lake in an incredible time earning himself his own little whale cake and a well-deserved nap.
After lunch, the day got a little crazy as a storm flew through camp, down pouring for 15 minutes only but dumping plenty of rain to last a lifetime. Matt Clifford was visiting and decided to teach some swimming in the now over-flowing lake. Nature also decided that they would team up with campcraft to find some wild food.
Finally came dinner, a nice cool breeze had entered camp and was extremely refreshing for all of the campers and counselors. To initiate flagpole, the winners of the Cape Day Competitions were announced. Josh R. won the “most-prepared cape” award while Tyler S. won the “least-prepared cape” award. Mike Mattson also won the “coolest cape” award for his incredible “Don Munn for President” cape. Then, the campers had a brief general swim just before hitting the hay after a nice cool evening activity to finish off the day.
Today’s Superlatives
Best Bed: Standish C.
Best Cabin: Chipmunk Hole
Super Camper: Stu W.
Special Recognition
Birthday: Cheilang L.
Tomorrow’s Action
Matt Clifford swims the “Sea Serpent”; The scorchah is replaced by nice weather; Chipmunk Hole wins inspection for the third time in four days; The bears return from trips