8.4.16 – Get Up and Go
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Early in the morning, as lower camp dreamed joyful dreams about the enjoyable and picturesque Cabin Night cookout last night on the waterfront, the reporter dressed in dark and camouflaged clothing and strolled through the night to the porch of Pete’s Palace. Here one could overlook the tennis court where not long before Birch Rock hosted much of the Arcadia Camp in gentlemanly fashion. Here, one could envelop themselves in the starry night that graces the great outdoors every night. But through the window, this spectator of the quiet night could hear a strange sound, resembling words…
“I could have danced all night, I could have danced all night, and still have begged for more…” this jumbled incantation continued for a while until these slumbering singers became too much to bear.
A couple of hours later, Bob’s bell rang abruptly brought all of camp back to reality, and into the busy day ahead. At breakfast, it was revealed that Joaquim B. completed his senior badge with amazing skill the previous day. This great news was topped off with an incredible meal of bagels and eggs.
In the morning, many of the Beavers (Hilton, Bees, Hornets, Walker) embarked on a hike at Hawk Mountain. Here, they picked up a full bag of trash and spotted three hawks, staying true to its name.
Regarding long distance swims, a bumpahtobumpah formed between the opposite duck dock and the catwalks back home. Nikolai M. and Nathan S. split the driving and swam their ducks. Noah B. and Whittier T. decided to ditch the traffic and swam the whole distance across the lake and back for their loons.
Even Birch Rock’s badges were firing out left right up down and who knows where? Jonah K, Crossan C, and Charlie S. all paddled to their Junior Canoeing Badges. Inspired by the recent archery tournament, Jakie G. earned his Yeoman and Isaac F. earned his Bowman. Soon-to-be dream team stars Quinn C, Aidan S, Joaquim B, Ben G, and Evan W. all earned their Junior Basketball badges. The Blog will supply updates on their Olympic quest. To round off the badges, Micah S. hit a baseball through Mr. Sanderson’s window to earn his Junior badge.
Just before lunch, the Beavers who did not go on the Crooked River embarked on a camping and hiking trip near the Kancamagus Highway in the heart of the White Mountains. The Moose (Dogpatch, Eagles, Buzzards) also departed for their trips on the Baldface Loop Trail and the Flagstaff lakes.
Lunch filled the campers’ stomachs with macaroni, cheese, and joy to continue the day. Aidan S. cashed in on his bingo prize: to stroke Bob’s beard for one minute. It sure was an uncomfortable spin around the clock at that.
In the afternoon, Seth B. woke up at Waziyatah. He had nowhere to go but Seal Rock, as the afternoon winds were beginning to stir in that direction. This swim coincidentally counted for his Seal, which was rightfully celebrated with a Birch Rock cheer.
For evening activity, Coach was gone. In the last instance of Coach’s absence, camp had scraped the bottom of the bucket with Gordon as field director. In this case, the obvious choice was The Bucket itself. Much of upper camp was bewildered and beguiled by such an omnipotent bucket. After The Bucket itself proclaimed Quorum as the activity, the reporter investigated lower camp and the nature of this ‘Bucket.’
The origin of this bucket is disputed. While many hold to the belief that The Bucket has graced us from the sky, Lukas F. holds to the belief that it is from the Illuminati, as the brand on the bucket “Cisco” has ties with the mythical gang.
The Bucket’s hold on lower camp is incredible and nearly complete. In an informal poll with the reporter, 30 out of 35 lower camp campers and staff pledged allegiance to The Bucket. Theo T. proclaimed, “Praise Coach, hail Bucket.” We can only hope that Coach returns before the maleficent can grabs a handle on Birch Rock.
Today’s Superlatives:
Best Bed: Asa K.
Best Cabin: Chipmunk Hole
Super Camper: Josh R.
Tomorrow’s Action:
Beavers return from the Kancamagus trip, Moose still chugging in the woods, badges, Badges, Badges, and BADGES, The Bucket declares another evening activity, completing its coup d’état on BRC and Coach, the reporter fights off The Bucket to write the Blog, Whale tales?