8.9.16 – And Down the Stretch They Come!
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

In their quests for the elusive Ranger badge, Chris K. and Asa K. were tasked with one of their toughest challenges yet — surviving for an entire day only on whatever food they could forage, trap or catch within the boundaries of camp. Would they make it? More on that later.
Meanwhile, the rest of us made the most of the delightfully warm and dry day on hand. Yet another pair of Whales set out this morning around breakfasttime, this time David H. and Cole Ma., and they took advantage of calm waters to complete the circuit just before the end of second period. Back on land, Hayden F. cashed in his “Uber for a Day” prize he won last week at Bingo and rode in style up and down the hill all day with Coach in the golf cart with curbside service and complimentary music for no extra charge.
A bountiful bevy of badges went out today, as predicted, on the second to last full activity day. John N. had himself a day by earning his Junior badges in Volleyball and Canoeing, paddling for his Senior Kayaking badge, and topping it off with a round trip swim across the lake for his Loon. Down in Campcraft, Eyob G., Nate H. and Eli P. all whittled, tied and burned their way to Junior badges. Eli also go this Junior Woodshop badge later in the day, as did Whittier T, and Jackson M. earned his Junior Canoeing badge as well.
In the shooting sports, Nathan Sh., Cooper D., Jasper F., and Whittier T. all shot for their Basic badges in Riflery. Nathan St. accomplished his Archer badge when taking a break from using a magnifying glass and the sun to burn designs into the staff he’s been carving and sanding for the past couple of weeks. And Noah B. and Devon A. teamed up to knock out a Seal for Noah and a Senior Boating badge for Devon this afternoon.
But wait — there’s more!
The Hilton boys (plus Lucas K., now of Bee’s Hive) also cashed in their Bingo prize — a trip to the Free Stuff tent at the Waterford-Albany-Stoneham Transfer Station with Coach and CIT Liam during Second Period. Unfortunately, they discovered that the facility didn’t open until noon, so they returned during First Rest and made quite the haul. Aidan A. scored a gently used rolling office chair circa 1995; James C. picked up a possibly functional Guitar Hero Fender Stratocaster guitar; Lucas K. rescued a Teddy bear with a ski hat plus a very cute horse cocoa mug for his sister; and Owen Y. found a mint condition wood-handled Swedish-made two-pronged hot dog skewer that he gifted to the Birch Rock Kitchen.
After the typically filling Taco Tuesday, the afternoon fare featured Street Hockey with Captain Nemo, arting with Drew and an appearance by the BRC Ice Cream Truck right during the peak heating of the day. Dinner featured a round of authentic Mexican cuisine from Counselor Lalo and a total of seven — seven! — Birch Rock cheers for him and the long-distance swimmers.
As for Chris and Asa, well, rumor has it that they managed to rustle up enough sustenance to make it through the day, and a pan-fried trout caught by Devon A. while twilight fishing with Don Miguel was a nice reward. The evening was capped off by a sparkling moonset at dusk followed by some spectacular stargazing with Chief Mike and Counselor Will for their Nature students.
Whew. What a day. And there’s another three not touched yet.
Today’s Superlatives
Best Bed: Standish C.
Best Cabin: Chipmunk Hole
Super Camper: David H. & Cole Ma.
Tomorrow’s Action
Badge Fiesta; Badge-o-Rama; Bagloads of Badges; Badges by the Dozen; A Plethora of Badges; Maximum Badgeness; Exponential Badges; All-You-Can-Earn Badge Buffet; A Smorgasbord of Badges …