July 6 – Energy, And Then Some!
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Something about having a smaller camp seems to get our kids more excited than anything around! With the Wolves traversing the wilderness and Hilton journeying out to the Crooked River, BRC seemed to be running on a skeleton crew. But it soon became clear that our older guys can still bring the crazy, even when half of camp is gone! Badges were flying this morning as fire rights went out to Rafael V. and Micah S., along with Ben G. earning his Senior Baseball badge after roping several balls into Sanderson’s field!
The waters of Lake McWain were a bit choppy this morning, but that didn’t stop a myriad of Loons from going out. The entirety of Cabin 8 + Jake Z. braved the surf as they valiantly breast stroked across the lake and back, earning a rousing Birch Rock cheer at lunch. Similarly, a crew of hardy mountain bikers went off campus and pushed themselves up McWain Hill Road, infamous for breaking triathlon athletes with its steep incline. Counselor Andy said the boys were absolute champs about it, and Matt S. described it as “totally tubular” according to the Associated Press.
The campers entered the Lodge for dinner and discovered that it had been converted into a fancy French restaurant, manned only by staff waiters expertly trained in the culinary arts. Ballads were sung as glasses of water were filled and piping hot plates of biscuits n’ gravy were ladled out. Every camper gave the establishment a five-star Yelp review, and a good time was had by all!
The campers could barely contain themselves during announcements; each announcement got a minute-long ovation, filled with chesty chanting and feet stomping. It soon became clear that no average evening activity would suffice, so our fearless field director Peter knew exactly what to do: start a game of Blitz and let anarchy ensue! Footballs soared across the field, man coverage was tight, and the intensity was at an all-time high. Everyone left the field with grass stains and sore legs, but our upper campers were totally stoked for bed. We’re looking forward to getting the rest of camp back in time for the most exciting lunch at the Rock: PIZZA FRIDAY! Who will be crowned pizza king? Stay tuned for more!
Best Bed: Paul G.
Best Cabin: Cabin 8
Super Camper: George A.
Blog Writer: Gage Wheeler