July 7 – Twistin’ The Night Away!
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Rumors started circulating early in the morning, only to grow to a fever pitch by the afternoon. It’s Friday, two weeks into camp. Could it be? The Arcadia Dance? Only time would tell.
Meanwhile, the morning brought enough action to keep our upper campers focused and ready for the day! John McEnroe Day at tennis went off without a hitch, and taught our boys the fine skill of challenging the line judge on every decision. Baseball saw an instructional on charging the mound (courtesy of Counselor Jake Cahill) and Bushcraft was giving out so many fire rights that they had to send kids over to Campcraft for extra help! On top of it all, our first Duck of the year went out to Paul G., who swam an astonishing thirteen minute time. Amazing!
After a busy morning, camp refueled on pizza and fresh salad as the sun sweltered down on the grove. Plenty of water and Gatorade was consumed to keep hydrated, and the title of Pizza King was retained by our glorious King, Rafael V. Long may he reign!
By the time the afternoon came around, the upper campers were in a frenzy. It wasn’t until they marched down to general that they realized what was happening; the boys were ordered to march up to the showers and wash up before putting on their maroons and khakis. It’s the Arcadia Dance, baby!
With our older gentlemen looking their Sunday best, the camp gathered for an early dinner of spaghetti and meatballs (which was especially difficult for the staff wearing white shirts). Once everyone had gotten their fill, Upper Camp journeyed out down the road to represent camp and dance the night away. The boys impressed every camp in attendance, and Birch Rock received many compliments for our well-behaved gentlemen.
Back at the Rock, Lower Camp kept entertained with a rousing game of Blob Tag, followed by a cabin party for Hilton who are saying goodbye to four Cubs campers. We’ll miss them and hope to see them next year for more fun!
Once the night was over, Upper Camp got back late and started a roaring fire to sit around and tell tales of all the girls they danced with. Saturday will prove to be a high energy day as a Superhero themed Campfire is expected to blow the roof off the lodge! Stay tuned for more!
Best Cabin: Bee’s Hive
Best Bed: Gus L
Super Camper: Myles R
Blog Writer: Gage Wheeler