July 9 – Easy Like Sunday Morning…
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Camp awoke to a family of loons crossing the lake as the day started at Flagpole. With obvious excitement in the ranks, camp was eager to introduce the incoming Cubs II campers who rolled down the driveway for the first time today! To prepare for their arrival, camp got squeaky clean in the showers with Counselor Noah, Jack and John leading a Funhaus themed party.
The morning was a mellow affair, with frisbees flying and Magic cards being shuffled with seasoned care. After being showered and sunned, the campers returned to their cabins to write letters home and read before Sunday dinner. Our meal was an incredible roast beef dinner coupled with wedges of crispy potatoes, green beans, and ginger cookies for dessert.
Just as everyone seemed ready to slip back to their cabins and fall into a food coma, a guest visit from The Bucket woke camp right up! Everyone’s favorite field director/demi-god announced that in celebration of its emancipation from the storage room, we were to play Cross Camp in its honor! Everyone rushed back to their cabins and donned their highest socks as the bell rang for a classic Sunday activity. The defenses were stationed, the offenses were running, and the stage was set:
The Lower Camp flag position proved impregnable as several waves of attack ended in defeat! It soon became clear that the Upper Camp flag was the only way to win, so both sides manned up each match and dedicated their teams to either brickwall defense or guns blazing offense.
At the end of the day, the ultimate score was indeterminable. So, both sides generals were executed with water guns at General Swim for the entertainment! A good time was had by all as everyone cooled off in the Lake. But one special Upper Camper had been in the lake much longer while Cross Camp was raging on. One Mr. Caleb D. of Buzzard’s Roost braved a brutal headwind to swim from Camp Wazyiatah to Seal Rock and complete his Seal! He received a raucous Birch Rock cheer at supper!
At Flagpole, Bob proudly announced that his own Senior Campers had won inspection for the first time this year. This success led to a Best Bed win by Mr. Jack F., although Super Camper was swiped by Eyob G. in Lower Camp. A great fish dinner went swimmingly, and camp soon journeyed down to the Birch Rock to discuss the meaning of “Be a Beacon”. One of the best sunsets this year fell over the lake as we marched back to our cabins singing “Let’s Hit the Hay”. Who knows what Week 3 will bring? Stay tuned for more!
Best Cabin: Pete’s Palace
Best Bed: Jack F.
Super Camper: Eyob G.
Best Repair Man: Don Munn
Blog Writer: Gage Wheeler