July 27 – Fingers Crossed!
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

While the weather forecast threatened rain all day, camp remained undeterred by the dark cloud cover! The BRC Morning Radio Show awoke camp this morning, informing them of all their entertainment and world news needs. Once everyone scarfed down a breakfast of eggs and home fries, inspection went into full force! Upper Camp brought their A-Game today, with a three-way tie in the afternoon between Owls, Eagles, and Buzzards. It was any man’s game today as hospital corners were trimmed and floors were left spotless. It was also a day for bold tactics, as Buzzards performed an open-trunk inspection and several residents of Eagles did not one, but TWO dust covers on their beds! The pressure was on, and Upper Camp boldly declared that if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!
The morning remained upbeat despite the overcast clouds threatening buckets of rain at any moment. George A. earned his Junior Tennis Badge with curling backspin and fierce serves, while Ben G. earned his Junior Campcraft after becoming a Class 4 Fire Mage. Down on the water, Jack F. soared across the waves to earn his Senior Boating badge, and several Beavers cut through the calm morning water to finish their Ducks! To top off the morning, it was revealed that a huge game of good ol’ fashioned American Football would be taking place on the field at fourth period (Counselor Andy from Ireland responded, “That’s not the real football!”). The energy was high despite the possibility of rain, and the crazy was most definitely brought.
Lunch filled up the boys with some Untidy Josephs (Sloppy Joes) and gave them the energy they needed to carry on through the afternoon! Mild rain struck camp near the end of fourth period, but Counselor Curtis’ dastardly plot to bring the waterfront to the field failed! Don Munn’s Weather Machine held off the onslaught of rain and rewarded camp with clear skies for the first time all day. What a way to finish a great day!
After an Italian Night of spaghetti and meat sauce, camp celebrated the legacy of BRC legend, Pete Haas. To commemorate his life and service to our country, Jon served out big bowls of Pete’s favorite birthday dessert at camp: black raspberry ice cream! Once the Lodge finished a raucous BRC cheer for Pete and wiped their mouths of ice cream, it was turned over to fill-in Field Director Micah S. to lead evening activity. What could be a good activity to finish off a hectic day at camp? Micah knew just the answer, and announced that we were doing SPEEDBALL!!!
Everyone raced up to the field to chase soccer balls, frisbees, and footballs around the pitch. Massive swarms of Lower Campers raced to kick the ball in goal, while deep passes were bombed down the field by the older guys, in an effort to do their best Odell Beckham Jr. impression. A good time was had by all, and the excitement for Pizza Friday is tangible. Who will be crowned Pizza King? Stay tuned for more!
Best Cabin: Buzzards Roost
Best Bed: Matt “Schwim” Schwind
Super Camper: Micah S.
Super Field Director: Micah S.