July 29 – Viking Central
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

A sunny Saturday started off with chocolate chip pancakes and sausage links, followed by a flurry of activities! Volleyball set up a new, state of the art net, while baseball had a Home Run Derby (the afternoon saw the opening of the Wiffleball World Series as well). As everyone fell into the routine of activities, two valiant senior campers were circling the perimeter of the lake! Mr. Seth B. and Matt S. both swam their Whales in difficult conditions, as wind blew in their faces and whitecaps splashed around them. The camp congregated on the waterfront and cheered as our whales finished their swim, tired but proud.
After the excitement of the morning, lunch brought out all manner of leftovers and cold cuts to fill us up. The Board of Trustees held their annual meeting today, adding plenty of energy and excitement to camp (rumors circulated that the Board would be doing a skit at Campfire, could it be true?). As the afternoon carried on, the sun beat down and forced some activities to find shade. The field hooped up on the basketball court while Bushcraft and Campcraft set sail aboard the S.S Buck Hard, floating all the way to the catwalks and back! It was a solid afternoon of fun and relaxation, leading to a frantic rest period filled with preparation for a Viking-themed Campfire. Every cabin was filled with props and screams as the kids got their acts ready.
By the time dinner came around, the excitement was tangible! All our wonderful guests joined us for dinner, which was a strip steak buffet including potatoes and vinaigrette salad. The staff donned their classiest clothes for a night on the town, and boy did this Campfire deliver! Viking road trips, Fight Club, the length of a Fruit-By-The-Foot, and an out of control Board skit made for an incredible night! Every cabin brought creativity to the stage, and the solo acts brought the house down (including Hugh J. eating out of Jeffery N. K’s chest indentation and Nick Musc. trying to shave the King’s beard with a chainsaw). The night ended on a high note, with a beautiful rendition of “Hey There Delilah” performed by David C. and Andrew C., followed by a camp sing-along of “Hey Jude” by an underground indie-British band called The Beatles.
What will tomorrow bring? Some think a rousing game of Espionage is in the works, while others hope for Geronimo or a Water Carnival. The staff have something good whipped up, so stay tuned for more!
Best Cabin: Buck’s
Best Bed: Nathan S.
Super Camper(s): Seth B. and Matt St.
Best Grove Activity: Tetherball