Photo Friday!
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

It was another awesome day at Birch Rock and it was the hottest day by far. With temperatures approaching 90 degrees Fahrenheit the campers and staff constantly applied sunscreen and drank lots of water. The day was started with the classic combination of eggs, bacon and potatoes for breakfast. During the morning, even though it was scorching hot there was some badge work done up on the field to finish off some junior badges. Our trips returned safe and sound from Blueberry Mountain and Emerald pool. The most anticipated event of the day today was lunch also known as Pizza Friday, where plenty of campers went up for seconds and even thirds on pizza. In the afternoon the campers flocked to the waterfront as the temperature steadily rose throughout the day. Down at the waterfront counselor David C. and camper Lev T. walked around the waterfront serenading activity periods with impromptu lyrics while playing the guitar and the tambourine. The day was finished up with a wonderful serving of fish for dinner. After dinner the entire camp went up to the field for a game of speedball followed by and entire camp general swim the end the day.
Best Cabin: Quartz
Best Bed: Rustam N.
Super Camper: Khalid M.
Here’s photos from not only yesterday but also from through out the week. Happy Photo Friday!