Super Sunday!
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

“The weather changes rapidly in the Oxford Hills region”. And today was certainly the case. The camp awoke, well rested from a Sunday sleep in, to a beautiful sunny day. We gathered around the flagpole for a quick morning check in before sitting down to a delicious breakfast of ham and cheese omelets and homemade cinnamon rolls. After finishing breakfast, we headed off to an extra long Sunday cleanup to make sure our beds, trunks, and cabins were looking their best.
At the sound of the bell, we headed up to the grove for some free time and for the lower campers, a chance to freshen up in the showers. Not long into our free time however, the Oxford Hills region decided to give everyone a shower. Luckily we were able to quickly gather our belongings and run inside the lodge. As is to be expected, the rain stopped shortly after our entrance into the lodge, and we were able to return to our cabins in relative dryness. There we wrote letters detailing the events of the past week to the folks back home.
After first rest was over, we headed back up to the lodge to enjoy a delicious Sunday dinner of roast ham, green beans, and potatoes. After we scraped our plates clean, Rich stood up and dedicated the first decade vest of the year to Stu Whittier, a renowned Birch Rocker who grew the mountain biking period from a couple trails around camp to a thriving program with trips to Vermont. Well done Stu!
After Stu’s rousing Birch Rock cheer subsided, Peter and Curtis announced the Afternoon activity. The East Waterford Game Room! Us campers had an incredible afternoon of slot machine spinning, arm wrestling, and many other ways to win tickets which could be redeemed for various prizes. Our cabin, Cabin 9, managed to pool together 50 tickets to buy a majestic unicorn poster which will hang proudly in our cabin! This afternoon’s frenzy of prize winning ended in an exciting “horse race”. With our energy depleted, we headed back to our cabins for second rest before going to evening flag pole where Musc announced that Chipmunk Hole won best cabin, Quinn C. of Buzzards Roost won best bed, and Bennett Y., the winner of the “horse race” got Super Camper!
Supper was a satisfying meal of Philly Cheese steaks, which were finished quickly. Then we headed to Pat’s Pit for a relaxing tree talk. There we discussed why we keep coming back to this amazing community, and what it means to be a Birch Rock gentleman. With the rest of camp asleep, the members of Cabin 9, Eitan S., John N., Duncan G., Joseph B., Nate H-N., Gonzalo P., and Kenneth D. would like to wish you a warm good night!