MEGA BLOG: 3 blogs in 1!
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

FRIDAY’S BLOG: What an epic day at the rock! We woke up to a bit of a wet start but pressed on with a great morning with many badges going out! Congrats to Rainer D. for earning his Sr. Nature badge and Fritts J. for earning his Jr. Basketball badge! In music we worked on our whiny pop-punk lyrics and in Bushcraft we practiced our wet fire survival skills. Turns out we still need some practice but hey that’s why we’re here! The crowds swarmed the lodge when the lunch bell rang for pizza Friday, it was delicious! After some positive attitude power the sun came out for a beautiful afternoon of activities! We had some soccer and basketball action up on the field and some cool drawing techniques displayed by our own Peter Brewster in art! Huge congrats to Theo T. for, after setting up many kitchen tarps and cooking many meals in the woods, earned the very difficult Advanced Trip badge! We were treated to some finger-lickin good fried chicken for dinner with some new ice cream/cake concoction for dessert, thanks John and the kitchen! We then played Fox in the Hen House and sang Let’s Hit the Hay.
SATURDAY’S BLOG: Happy Saturday night from Birch Rock Camp! Often these blogs become a run-down of what we ate today, the weather, and our daily schedule. This evening I’ll try something a little different and share a bit of our weekend traditions and practices.
Every Saturday night the boys perform skits as a cabin. The counselors start cooking up ideas, writing and practicing lines as well as scouring wardrobes and trunks for costumes. Tonight’s skit night theme was Aliens versus Cowboys. I have to say, that to this blogger’s ear, the alien accents were more on point than the southern (maybe an attempt at a Texan inflection as cowboys?) ones we all heard. On “stage” we saw some excellent creativity with green face paint, sleeping bags, cowboy hats, blankets and towels.
Along with the skits, we heard an excellent rendition by our own Boathouse Boys of “Starman” originally by David Bowie. Our own camp chef Jon Allberry sang “You Were Always on My Mind”, written by a favorite among the boys of the BRC, Willy Nelson.
Before the evening was done and dusted with every counselor’s favorite tune, Let’s Hit the Hay My Hearties, we received a visit from the The Game Master a camp character who turns up now and again to run our full-camp Sunday afternoon activities. Tonight he shared the history of Biroca, the fictional account of life at the Rock in the 23rd century after the apocalypse destroyed the rest of Maine. He told us that tomorrow we will play War Games to commemorate the efforts that preserved our camp in the face of terrible destruction. Tomorrow the boys will have a good time running through the woods in a full-camp activity filled with imagination, role play, and good sportsmanship.
When the Game Master announced the game, the boys became electric. This’ll be my first experience with the Game, and while I have no idea what to expect, I can’t wait to see it -and that’s some of the best parts of camp, for the new guys as well as the seasoned veterans. Around most corners are new and exciting experiences.I can’t wait to see what happens next!
SUNDAY’S BLOG: As the sun sets in the hills, we the members of Cabin 9 write to you once more about the events of this Sunday. This morning, the camp woke up, brushed their teeth, and got ready for the day. After a delicious breakfast, we went back to our cabins to make our trunks and beds extra sharp for Sunday inspection. At the sound of the bell, we headed up to the grove where the lower campers had a chance to freshen up at the “spa”, as the upper campers hung out with their friends.
When free time had ended, everybody returned to their cabins to write letters home. Once first rest had ended, we sat down in the lodge for a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. As the plates were scraped clean, our game master, Jack Duggan, announced the highlight of the day– WAR GAMES! War games, a legendary game created by the legendary Ryno, is perhaps one of the most complex yet energetic games offered at the Rock. Featuring two sides battling it out in an all out cross camp war, it takes the classic formula of Capture the Flag to a whole new level.
With our energy spent, we had a rejuvenating general swim before our daily second rest. After second rest had concluded, we had a great meal of meat and pasta casserole.
As the day came to a close, we ended the day on a mellow note with a reflective tree talk about what makes Birch Rock, Birch Rock.
With another day done and gone, the members of Cabin 9 say good night, once again.
Best Cabin: Cabin 8
Best Bed: Noah P.
Super Camper: Henry S.