A little bit of rain won’t stop us!
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Today was a stupendous day of activities at camp. The day started off strong with a breakfast consisting of pancakes and ham followed by a nice long clean up. The first two periods of the day started with a light drizzle of rain, but that didn’t stop the campers from having fun! The field activities all met in the lodge for board and card games, while the rest of the activities throughout camp ran like they were supposed to. During the first two periods the two trips that were out returned (cabins Owls Perch and Buzzards Roost).
For lunch the kitchen prepared an amazing pulled pork sandwiches which was followed by an announcement from Liz about the importance of drinking water, especially on a humid day like it was today (~70% humidity). We learned that on a humid day like today, we need to drink double the amount of water that we would normally drink.
The day was concluded with Cabin Night! Each cabin got hot dogs and s’mores, and each cabin went to a fire pit to cook their dinner! This night saw many a hot dog and marshmallow get either too burned or fall into the fire, but that didn’t stop the Birch Rockers from eventually making the perfect hot dog and marshmallow. The day concluded with every cabin performing their own evening activity. Most of the upper camp went up to the field for a beach day on the grass, which consisted of volleyball, soccer, can jam and frisbee. While the lower camp spread throughout camp to play different games around camp.
Best Cabin: Hornets Nest
Best Bed: Alex M.
Super Camper: Jed K.