The Heat is Beat!!!
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Hey everyone, I hope all is well. Today at camp the energy was high with the arrival of second session despite the gloomy clouds rolling in from the west. A fresh new session means discussing rules and safety precautions at each activity which can be tedious but important. Soon after reviewing instructions campers jumped right back into the swing of things. One camper who really jumped into the deep end was Rustam who swam across the lake and back, completing his Loon!
After a boiling first rest, all of camp gathered in the grove for delicious kielbasa and mac n cheese. Halfway through the meal clouds rolled in along with liquid sunshine but that didn’t faze camp and we finished are hearty meals in the rain.
After lunch, the rain continued on but the activities outlasted. Up on the field, campers could be seen at soccer, baseball, and archery playing while the mud thickened. While at the waterfront, the wet got wetter and the smiles grew ever larger as the campers were undaunted by the rain. Even instructional and general swim was a blast and campers were amazed by the warmth of the lake.
After some heavenly homemade meatloaf, campers were eager to hear what the evening activity was going to be. Due to the rain, lower camp had an exciting third rest where they played board games, planned skits, and discussed their first full day of activities. While this was going on, in the lodge, upper camp cabins tested their smarts against each other with a game of Wits and Wagers. With age comes wisdom as the oldest campers in Pete’s Palace and Cabin 9 were victorious.
With the sun finally setting and the rain rejuvenating, the heat was beat, and the campers were able to sleep soundly.
Best Bed: Brandon G.
Best Cabin: Eagle’s Nest
Super Camper: Jeffer V.