A Whale of a Thursday!
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

We woke up to a proper chilly Maine morning. With the fire crackling at breakfast we learned that Duncan was swimming around the lake and would soon be completing his Whale. Better yet it was also Duncan’s 16th birthday. At the end of first period the whole camp cheered Duncan in, with him finishing the nearly five-mile swim in butterfly stroke. Congrats to Duncan!
Also, during the early morning, ten young men ventured over to Camp Agawam to participate in their invitational soccer tournament. After four round robin matches, the Birch Rock boys finished in second place. The great showing secured their place in the semi-finals tomorrow. Stay tuned for the results.
The mysterious trunk that has been seen around the lodge continued to stump the lower campers as they attempted to discover the combination to yet another pad lock. Today there was a scramble to the library to research Morse Code and a thoughtful search of a word search to find the digits of the three-digit lock. More help might be on the way tomorrow.
In the grove during general swim, the three Jacks on staff played a game of stump to determine who would retain the name Jack while the losers would be remanded to changing their by popular vote. Jack Duggan came out victorious and is now the real Jack on campus.
After a delicious gyro dinner that was enjoyed outside on a gorgeous evening, counselor Peter arose to announce evening activity. The grove erupted in a roar of approval when The Hunt was announced. The Hunt is a camp favorite where the oldest campers hunt the rest of camp as they try to make their way from the waterfront to basketball court.
While writing this the loons are serenading the campus to sleep as we await another adventurous day here at Birch Rock.
Super Camper: Duncan G.
Best Cabin: Buzzards Roost
Best Bed: Joe B.