Here Comes the Sun… oh never mind!- July 1st Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

No one had seen the sun for days. We lost hope that the sun would ever show its face, and some lost hope that it even existed anymore. We feared that Birch Rock’s four consecutive days of rain was a harbinger of a damp existence akin to that of Seattle. However, as the groggy counselors filed through the rain into the main lodge, the sun appeared. The counselors were excited to feel the sun’s rays, but the moment breakfast ended the sun disappeared like Batman in Spirit Quest and the rains came down once more.
The day was filled like any other with meetings and brush hauling. From the beginning, we welcomed a longtime supporter of Birch Rock, Bruce Whichard and his son Jared to refresh the staff’s memory on motorboat safety and use. For most of the day, the staff hopped between meetings, and when it wasn’t downpouring, jumped outdoors to clear heavy brush that had fallen or been cut to give taller trees space to grow. Later in the day, as we hauled brush out of the thick undergrowth of lower camp revealing the gleaming white siding of quaint cabins, the skies seemed to clear and strike energy into the counselors and scenery alike.
Today’s haiku:
The sun gives us joy.
The best gift the sun gave me?
I could dry my clothes
Best Bed: Brian F.
Super Counselor: Sebastian T. [redacted for conflict of interest]
– Sebastian Tringale