This Is Home- July 14th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

A little bit of thunder, a little bit of lightning.
And here comes the sun!
BOOM, first period was off to a loud CRACK as the skies opened up above with an assault of liquid sunshine! No worries, we kept smiling and maintained our positive attitudes as we re-signed up for some sheltered activities. The boat house was rocking with some epic ballads and gnarly punk riffs! At nature, the frogs managed to escape their apartment, only evidence left was a line of lily pad leaves tied together with sheet bends. After some delicious burritos from Jorge, we braved the storms yet again! Nature found some more frogs and repaired the breach. Camp Craft got a fire going..eventually and MWA went for a warm up hike around the lake! So sick! The sun popped out for a fun general swim and we all had a chill bro-sesh during second rest.
Fish filet dinner was totally rad and outside! Despite our wet start, we made it to the field to play the epic, classic, potential bracket winning, ORB!
An awesome day of spontaneity, adventure and eroded paths. Couldn’t be happier to be with the BRC family at our home.
Best Cabin: Owls Perch
Best Bed: Jonah K.
Super Camper: Campbell H.