Where’s the Rain?- July 23rd Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

With a day so full of nothing it’s almost impossible to recall everything that happened. The day began with a large sense of optimism found only from the campers who were blissfully unaware of the 90% chance of thunderstorms that afternoon. But, despite the forecast, the staff moved forward with the regularly scheduled programming in the hopes that all would be fine. Breakfast was a hearty meal of oatmeal and pancakes, a meal that normally is fine but can be made quickly unpleasant once a kid decides to drink the maple syrup (which is a most unpleasant sight and is greatly discouraged). The grey skies above the camp going into the first period did nothing to dishearten the original optimism as kids moved from clean-up to their only hour-and-a-half period of the day. Unexpectedly the sky did not open into rain, but held off as the range of field and waterfront activities allowed for campers to continue working on the badges they have barely enough time to achieve. Afterwords, General swim provided a much needed break for all those who decided not to do whale laps. Then, lo and behold, the rain began moments before the beginning of lunch and, unfortunately, right at the end of set up forcing the C.I.T.s there and all bystanders watching to pick up everything a move it immediately to the lodge. The rain fell during the entire meal, but nothing could bring down the majesty that was today’s mid-day feast: Mac and cheese, BBQ Ribs, and salad followed by warm brownies for desert. The rain subsided soon after, allowing for the regular program to continue. Second period ran much the same as the first, only MWA was at instructional. Snack ran in all its usual glory, and snack is glorious because it is snack. 3rd period, which most had assumed would be in the middle of a thunderstorm, had to return to whale laps due to the fact no rain ever came since lunch. As the expression goes; the weather in the Oxford Hills Region changes rapidly. Although, this period of swimming was made interesting thanks to a gaggle of geese who decided to bomb the campers and staff with poop. Only the dock was hit and the only thing damaged was our pride. After all the drama of activities, the campers relaxed until dinner, a meal comprised of Chicken Parmesan, Caesar salad and Blueberry crumble. The Thunderstorms that the meteorologists had predicted and that had plagued the staff with paranoia all day rolled in once the evening bells were ringing and the soothing sounds of thunder lulled the campers to sleep this night.
-John Reisert