Whale Day, Cubs Campers, and Ancient Civilizations- July 10th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

What an incredible day at BRC! So much happened today!
The big morning news that we got waking up was that the first Whale of the season was out on the water. At flagpole we sent a supportive camp echo to Campbell Hall, who was racing to beat the Whale record! As he approached the catwalks, the whole camp went down to the waterfront to cheer him to the finish line! He completed the whale in an incredible record time of 1 hour and 50 minutes.
During the morning we also said goodbye to the Cubs campers leaving us for the summer! We will miss them all!
Then with activities in full swing, badges and badge parts were being handed out so fast like Pizza on Pizza Fridays!!
Then as dinner approached, we got out our finest toga’s and enjoyed a great ancient civilization themed dinner outside.
After dinner, we got together at flagpole and went down to the new BRC Amphitheater, where we enjoyed so many amazing skits from the cabins!
As the night comes to an end, we are so excited to experience another amazing day at Birch Rock Camp!
Written by RD Weeks