Just Another Manic Monday- July 12th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Today was yet another great day at Birch Rock Camp. The day began a little cloudy and dreary, but before you knew it, the clouds disappeared and we were graced with a gorgeous sunny day.
It was Cape Day today, and it was fun to see campers and staff rocking some killer capes made out of towels or blankets. The capes did a great job of sprinkling in a little extra fun throughout the day.
Not only do we have fun here at camp, but we also grow and try new things, and we had some great examples of that today. Chad H., who is such a bright young man, is learning how to play the guitar for the first time, and he is picking it up incredibly fast. Additionally, Chad submitted a three page essay for the optional camp essay contest that knocked the socks off the judges. According to the judges, the essay had everything they were looking for and more. Noah T. has been avidly trying to learn how to ride a bike these during past two weeks, but he has been delayed by a knee injury. Well, today he made some great strides in his development and began pedaling for the first time. The sky is the limit for him, and we all look forward to seeing where he ends up by the end of the summer.
Later in the day, some campers and a couple of staff members gathered in the art room during rest periods to watch a recording of the Euro Final between Italy and England. It was a very exciting game and it was so special to watch it with campers of all ages.
Evening activities tonight were two Birch Rock classics: lower camp played Speedball and upper camp played Blitz. Both games were competitive and a ton of fun as always. Special shout out to Oliver S. for being a deep-ball threat and catching a whopping three touchdown passes in Blitz.
Best cabin today was Bee’s Hive, best bed was won by Evan C., and the super camper of today was Kain H.
Written by Nick Ferraina