Welcome to our Second Session Campers!- July 25th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Here comes the sun, do, do, do
Here comes the sun
and I say it’s all right ………
with all these wonderful 62 new Birch Rockers for the start of Week 5 at BRC!
And boy did they arrive in fantastic shape and style. In all my decades of greeting returning campers, meeting new campers and welcoming Birch Rock families……I’ve never been more impressed with the overall genuine gracious warmth and earnest embrace to/from all! Thank you BRC families!!! We appreciate your patience, teamwork and partnership in prepping and preparing your son for the next three weeks. We are ready to go!
As we turn to a new session, our veteran full season campers sent our Maine Wilderness Adventurers off with a thundering BRC cheer…….as they rolled up the hillside and off into the Maine Wilderness for their 20 day adventure. Trip Director Erik and Leader Thomas couldn’t have casted a stronger group of stalwart candidates in Gus, Braedon, Lev, Ben, Lucas and Finn. These fine and fit gentlemen were bouncing with enthusiasm, energy and that “go for the gusto” spirit! They were ready to explore the best of Maine: Acadia rock climbing, Sailing the coast of Maine, AT hiking – Mt. Katahdin, White Water rafting and the Allagash waterways. Hopefully, the boys will have some time to embrace some lobster trapping too.
Back here on the 293 McWain Hill ranch, the boys separated into their cabin and respective activity (cohort) groups of Bears, Moose, Wolves and Otters……beginning new chapters of friendships, community living and a whole lot of sheer fun. After a long day of individual arrivals, we finally rallied as One BRC Community for some afternoon activities by group, general swim, cabin bed-making and an establishment of rules and regulations for all to mutually sign off on………Then on to dinner in the BRC outdoor grove. Chefs Jon and Jorge sparked up the meal with some Chicken Patty delights coupled with the boys’ favorite Caesar salad bar. We topped off the meal with homemade creme puff mousse. It was a home-run hit!
On to Sunday night Tree-Talk… we all gathered by Pat’s Fireplace next to the Allen Kearns Library with full camp introductions and goal setting messages. The key communal message: We have 13 or 20 days to be your best……Let’s try new things, embrace the natural world, make new friends and help others while allowing others help you succeed!
And to that note…….we bid you all a restful and peaceful “goodnight” with our appreciation for BRC!
Written by Rich Deering