Today was AWESOME!- July 27th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Today was (for the most part) a gorgeous Tuesday filled with fun. The morning started off with counselor Eric Traub fulfilling an almost impossible challenge set for him yesterday: complete the New York Times Tuesday crossword puzzle by breakfast today. Nobody thought he could do it, but he proved all the doubters wrong and came through with a completed crossword puzzle for all to see.
Tuesday usually means Taco Tuesday, but today the kitchen surprised us with a delicious taco lasagna. And dare I say it tasted better than tacos???
We had four boys swim their Duck today! (The first badge in our series of four long distance swims.) Congratulations to Nate H., Cole C., Lincoln H., and Gabe E.!
Later, while upper camp was swimming during general swim, the otters (youngest age group) engaged in a very intense game of musical chairs. This was a musical chairs match the likes of which no one has ever witnessed before. At the end of the game, only one camper remained sitting: Henley P. Congratulations Henley!
The wolves left today for an overnight trip on the other side of Lake McWain. We all hope they are having a great time and eagerly await their arrival so we can hear how it went.
The reason it was mentioned earlier that it was a gorgeous day for the most part is because right as dinner was about to begin, it began raining and continued throughout evening activity. Because of the rain, we had to move inside for evening activity. However, we all still had a ball. The otters played bingo while the moose and bears had trivia night. Both games got quite intense and the campers had a great time.
Best Cabin: Eagle’s Nest
Best Bed: Ben A.
Super Camper: Oliver W.
Written by Nick Ferraina