And We’ll Have Halloween In Summer- October 31st Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Today is Saturday October 31st, 2021 and it’s Halloween! Wait what? Something must be wrong, it’s a summer camp bro and Halloween is in the fall. Whelp, if the daily worksheet says it’s Halloween it has to be Halloween.
Yes, it’s true. It was Halloween at Birch Rock today! We woke up to costumes and werewolf in London music and we’re super amped for the mysteriously exciting day.
We were in first period when Josh R. finished his whale, witch (pun intended) was super awesome! Congrats to our super camper of the day. We then started to notice some strange phenomena happening all around camp today! From an exorcism of Theo T. during lunch to Kain H. dressing up as a carrot! Crazy, awesome, spooky fun!
Also today we had some campers participate in the Waterford Sailing Regatta on Keoka Lake! We won some awards, but we don’t like to brag 🙂 A fun time was had by all!
Then it was time. Time for the epic finale to our fifth week at camp. CAMPFIRE! We all donned our skit costumes and eagerly awaited the spooky show from Eric and Shatz. It was hilarious! We saw Jeffer V. turn into Frankenstein and brush his teeth and we all were freaked out by the CIT trick or treating horror skit. Several witch trials were held for Mike, Jeff and Abe. They were all found to be officially witches for crimes including not breaking a single stick during tree talk and guessing the hot cereal everyday!
Trick or treat everyone! Have fun and stay safe!
Best Bed: JC B.
Best Cabin: Walker
Super Camper: Josh R.
Written by Nick Musciano