Snake Charmer- August 2nd Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

A haze, the ringing bell and the smell of rain in the morning. A normal wake up for another not so normal day at BRC. A shuffle to flagpole began, followed by a large list of notes involving trips (with Fritts?!?), activity coverage and wash house duty for Cabin 8… again? After the downpour of rain the night before the trails were wet and dirt was carried all across camp including inside the cabins, but luckily a longer clean up was in order.
Just like that the bell ran and clean up was over. Before we knew it, the Otters were gone and in their vans headed out for their first trip! John and Eric took Hilton A, Hilton B and Bees Hive across the lake for an overnight stay coupled with not one, but two of our favorite local hikes. John is looking forward to cooking up some delicious grub on the Coleman stove for them. Musc and Gus took Hornets Nest and Walker a little further to enjoy an overnight at one of Musc’s all time favorite spots: Emerald Pool. They have only been gone for a day, but we’re already excited to get them back. Camp is just too quiet without them here!
First and second period went by in a flash, followed by a nice cozy dip in the lake for lower camp general swim. Up on the other side of the hill during free time for the oldest kids, a tournament was brewing. The game? Badminton! The games were energized with many laughs and cheers, with a conclusive bracket for the racquet semi-finals to be held during tomorrow’s free time.
Lunch was a camp favorite: chicken patties! Cheffed up by none other than our head Chef John, more than 150 sandwiches were taken and eaten! Well fed and energized, third period started where it seemed that all the Bears had decided that today every one of them should do Volleyball! But before they could make it to the field, they came across a milk snake who is now residing in the regency suite of the fish hatchery. Once he had been placed in his new (temporary) home, it was time to get back to the field! The sun was out, and so proper beach volleyball attire was worn…aka no shirts! Team captains Alex P., Henry C. and Nick F. selected the finest of men to compete, and a fun time was had spiking and serving! The guys down in Nature found a snake that they’ve added to the terrarium!
Before we knew it, second rest was over and the dinner bell was blaring. Jon just couldn’t wait for Taco Tuesday so he teased us all with a delicious Mexican rice and chicken dish. Everyone is still hoping for tacos tomorrow!
Evening Activity was a bit different from what is normally played. After dinner everybody gathered on the field for the rarely played Egg Toss. Each camper and staff member found a partner and made two lines facing each other. The person starting with the egg would toss the egg at their partner, and the catcher would brace to make the catch or get blasted with raw egg! Next, the catcher will pass the egg back to the starting holder. If you can make it back to the original person, one person will take a few steps back. The process would repeat until every pair except one, had dropped the egg. Chad H. and Jonathan A. came out on top with an egg that refused to crack even after being dropped numerous times. The egg was then ejected far into the field. And when it hit the ground…believe it or not…IT STILL DIDN’T BREAK!! Campers then made their way down to the Disco Deck for a quick General Swim to wash all the egg off. After a long day of fun and eggs, campers went to bed and a good day was had by all!
Super Camper: Austin F.
Best Bed: Cal R.
Best Cabin: Chipmunk Hole
Written by Brian Farley