Two Whales Today?!?- August 10th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

As we near the final days of camp, it becomes crunch time for campers to achieve their goals for activities or long distance swims. Today was jam packed with such achievements. Trent G. and Campbell H. were both awarded their advanced volleyball badges today and Liam B. became probably the youngest camper in Birch Rock history to earn the advanced soccer badge. Not to be outdone, there were two whales today! Quinn C. and Trent G., yes the same Trent G. as before, both swam around the 5 mile long perimeter of Lake McWain to complete their whale. They were not the only long distance swimmers today, though, as Luis G. swam across the lake and completed his duck.
Today we also welcomed back the Moose from their overnight hiking trips. One group went to Milan Hill Park in Milan, New Hampshire, and the other group went to Bradbury Mountain State Park. Both trips had a nice hike during the first day, camped out, then visited either a pair of waterfalls before swimming at the very nice Jericho Beach Lake (the Milan group) or went swimming at the gorgeous Sebago Lake (Bradbury Mountain group) before returning to camp.
We finished the day with an evening activity straight from the mastermind of counselor Eric Traub: Bomber! It was a thrilling game inspired by capture the flag, but with the intensity turned up a few notches.
Rest is for the weak! There is one full day of activities remaining, and there are still a handful of advanced badges that require completing. The time is now! The last few days of camp shall be epic beyond all imagination!!
Best Cabin: Chipmunk Hole
Best Bed: Spencer C.
Super Campers: Trent G. and Quinn C.
Written by Nick Ferraina