What Is Your Why?
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

As we come to a close on staff week, we at Birch Rock believe that reflection on the work that has been, the work that is being done, and the work that has yet to be done is imperative to a more fulfilling experience.
Our slogan this summer has been “What’s our Why”; a question that is everlasting as it pushes each one of us to consider what gets us out of bed every morning and what motivates us each day. As it stands now, our ‘Why’ is deeper and more meaningful than initially thought.

When speaking to the staff, we heard a variety of reasons as to why they have decided to step foot on campus for the first time, or why they are returning for their 26th season. Any and all reasons encompassed our camp motto: Help The Other Fellow.
What more is there to do now but to go out and emulate our ‘Why’ to every individual, camper or non-camper alike. We owe it to the generations that preceded us and the generations that will supercede us; to be of service to a cause greater than ourselves and allow for further ‘whys’ to be formed.
We are bursting at the seams with excitement for what’s to come and can’t wait for a great summer!
By Aaron Olapade