Country Bob’s Hoedown- July 8th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

I wanted to take a moment away from the regularly scheduled Blog program to address the
community. My name is Sebastian, often known as Seabass, and I am the waterfront director.
What I am about to tell you caused quite a stir at camp today, so I hope that you, our reader, will
brace yourself for this news. Yesterday, I shaved my beard and got a haircut. This act sent
shockwaves through the community, yet only hours after camp woke up and realized things are
slowly returning to normal. Whew. Now on with the daily report.
Today was our last day with our Cubs I campers, or those who stayed for the first two
weeks of Boys’ Camp. These seven gentlemen had one more day of activities to make a last
gasp effort to accumulate badges, and so they did. One standout was Mac, who earned his Junior
Campcraft and Junior Nature badges in one day after two weeks of hard work. These campers
will leave tomorrow morning, and we are thankful for the positive impact that they have made on
our community.
A relatively new tradition, yet one integral to our social fabric at camp is Pizza Friday.
This one wowed the hungry crowds, featuring a wider variety of flavors such as buffalo chicken,
vegetarian, and Hawaiian pizza. After speaking with the Hiltonite Benjamin, he shared that it
was impossible for him not to eat his salad. Passing up on salad meant forfeiting a chance for
seconds, and that was too great a sacrifice for him to make.
I had the personal pleasure of witnessing a day at the races down at the waterfront. Our
Relay Fridays give campers a chance to display their skills and also become aware of their week
to week improvement. Each race was competitive, and showed that campers had swapped their original timidity around the unfamiliar water in week one for strong swimming strokes in week two.
The highlight of this day at camp was Country Bob’s Hoedown, which took place in front
of the lodge on the driveway. Counselor David noticed that Musc was away for the evening and,
with the help of Program Director Brian, took the opportunity to stage a cookout for all of camp.
The menu was wide ranging —options ranged all the way from “Chicken with Waffles” to
“Chicken on Waffles” to “Waffles on Chicken”. The drink menu was also delicious. Brian had
brewed and stored authentic sweet tea, which came to be known as “Musc’s Summer Style
Sickeningly Sweet Tea”. A little bit of everything was on display: Janice’s square-dancing skills,
the Cotton-Eyed Joe, a Gaga ball tournament, some fiddling, and hilarious announcements.
The sunset and lake matched in a nearly artificial fuchsia coloring. The awe-inspiring
glow gave us all a moment to indulge in the hard work and joy felt all throughout camp. On a
personal note, it gave me a chance to be glad to have a clean-shaven face, but that’s a story for
Best Bed: Connor P.
Best Cabin: Chipmunk Hole
Super Camper: Wes G.
Best Swim Tent Spot: Wyatt K.