BUCK HARD DAY!!!!- July 19th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

This morning, the staff decided today, July 19, to be Buck Hard Day. This is a day where we pay homage to Buck Hard, a former counselor at Birch Rock Camp who lived life as extreme as his name suggests. He especially loved bushcraft and campcraft. To honor him, we all go shirtless and do random difficult things at our activities and in our free time. For example, basketball played Buck Hard Basketball, where they deflated the basketballs and played a drill where they dribbled around an area with one hand and tried to knock the ball out of their opponents’ hands with the other. Pickleball played Buck Hard Pickleball by not using paddles and instead hitting the ball with their bare hands.
We also had our first Whale of the summer! Jackson H. got up early in the morning to swim his Whale, which is a lap around the perimeter of Lake McWain (approximately 5 miles), and did so in a very impressive time. Jackson’s feat was celebrated with two standing, rousing Birch Rock cheers and the beloved whale cake. We are so proud of Jackson for accomplishing Birch Rock’s highest swimming honor in such tremendous fashion.
Another special shoutout should go to Finn O., Teddy M., and Nicky K. Finn O. swam his Seal (2.5 miles across the middle of the lake), and like Jackson, did so in phenomenal time. Teddy M. and Nicky K. swam their Loons (to the opposite side of the lake and back, approximately 1 mile) today, as well. It was a very productive day on the waterfront!
Come dinner time, we arrived at flagpole as we always do before dinner, but realized the kitchen did not prepare any food for us tonight! So, each cabin was tasked with being resourceful themselves and building a fire to roast hot dogs and s’mores. That’s right, for the second time this session, we had cabin night! It was a great bonding experience for all cabins to work as a team to make and sustain a fire. We all had the rest of the night to ourselves to go swimming, play some games, really just do whatever we wanted to do.
As we approach the climax of first session, a session that has flown by way too fast might I add, it felt fitting to have a day so jam packed with unique and impactful events. One can only imagine what the rest of the week will be like.
Best Spot(s): Alex Y., Redmond M., & Wyatt K.
Best Bed: Angel F.
Best Cabin: Walker
Super Camper: Jackson H.