What a Day, What a Day, What a Day!- July 27th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

It was a great day here on Lake McWain; full of laughter, banter, and word-play. Camp is a little thin right now as we are missing the Bears on their respective hiking and canoeing trips, as well as a select few who have embarked on their journey to be Junior Maine Guides (JMG); but that isn’t stopping us from having a great time doing what we love.
We had a few awesome campers to note today: Matt D. and Trip E. completing their Ducks in quick time; which earned them a loud and proud round of quacks from the BRC community.
Today at lunch we also celebrated a very important Birch Rocker, Lt. Pete B. Haas, USMC, with black raspberry ice cream, his favorite. Today was Pete’s birthday. Pete is a living legend here at camp and in our country. For over twenty summers, Peter Haas dedicated his life to inspiring young Birch Rockers with motivation, espirit de corps, and sheer fun. He was a camper, counselor, Waterfront Director, and so much more from the 1960s to the 1980s. After graduating from Thiel College in PA, Pete went on to serve in the United State Marine Corps as a special ops pilot. He wanted to serve our country with honor and he did so flying helicopters for high level missions around the globe. During his “leave time,” Pete would commit his energy and efforts to return to BRC helping staff and campers to succeed, embrace outdoor learning with emphasis on human capital and sheer camp fun. Peter believed Birch Rock made him a Superman…….. and hence that is how BRC’s began the daily tradition of awarding a daily Super Camper. So, we honor Pete for this and all he contributed, and for all the inspiration, ideal and for epitomizing our camp motto: Help The Other Fellow.
Our theme for this week is: Cryptozoology; which means things are starting to get a little spooky, a little scary, and a little alien squencheree.
We are so looking forward to tomorrow, and what the day has in store.
Best Swim Tent Spot : Brendan S.
Best Bed: Mario P.
Best Cabin: Chipmunk Hole
Super Camper: Emmett P.