FRIDAY!- July 29th Blog
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Camp started low and ended high. The Bears and JMG were expected back in the early
afternoon which gave the Moose one last chance to be the top dogs at camp. Breakfast was
eventful. Counselor Jonah began to speak out against the Sqwencher epidemic circulating, then
was silenced and forced to drink a teaspoon of the off-brand Gatorade by two large men in
hockey masks.
Of course, this was but the beginning of an exceptional day at Birch Rock. In the mornings,
upper campers took part in Relay Friday, showing off their swimming skills. During lunch,
Jorge’s long-anticipated Pizza Friday took place with many new topping combinations. Along
with the “conspiracy” theme of the week, Musc suggested that a camper by the name of Wyatt
had colluded to win inspection three days in a row and could potentially win a fourth time
today. While Musc left campus to drive the Bears back to campus, it was Wyatt who took over
Head Counselor duties! Who knows what conspiracies are in store for tomorrow.
The afternoon was quite beautiful here. In the background of lower campers screaming for
their relay teammates to swim, Julien N. took a round trip swim across the lake and back to
swim his loon. The dinner included a high-energy return from road-weary Bears. The Field
Director had been in the woods with the Bears and returned for an exceptionally hype
announcement of one of camp’s favorite, Fox in the Henhouse. We cannot wait for camp to be
turned up to full volume tomorrow!
Best Bed: J.C. B.
Best Cabin: Chipmunk Hole
Super Camper: Clay A.
Best Swim Tent Spot: Brady K.