Session 2 Begins! – July 24th
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Here we go!!! The first full day of activities is underway! After Musc’s initial daybreak dings on the bell, “Good Mornings” are sung (screeched) across camp all the way from Cabin 8 to Eagle’s nest. The grogginess of the oldest campers’ eyes gives way to ambition, and the eyes of the lower campers (that have already been awake for an hour) are full of wonder.
A classic hearty breakfast is served: oatmeal, fruit, yogurt, scrambled eggs, sausage, and diced home fries. After every single camper makes their bed in a thorough extended clean-up period, they are off to the races!
Some campers dip their toes in, looking to test out the activity: playing knockout, king of the court, or doing swim tests. Other campers get straight into it, working on their knife rights, doing conditioning for field badges, or learning the parts of the sailboat. They are refreshed by a soothing dip in the lake, relaxing silent rest period (with 20 minutes of reading) and a mac n’ cheese and kielbasa lunch. Activities continue into the afternoon with hoops and hollers resonating around camp, leading us into a second rest before dinner.
After a stick-to-ya-bones chicken stew and biscuits for dinner, Peter, field director/patron saint, announces quorum as the first evening activity of second session. As campers herd to the field, they are met by beautiful billowing clouds of blanc. They sprint across the field weaving and dodging one another. A beautiful set of clouds are hit by the setting sun, producing beautiful textures and shades of red, orange, and deep purple, suddenly giving way to a golden sunshower. Pete calls an audible and all of lower camp conga-lined to their cabins for a third rest period before lights out.
Campers crawl into bed, falling asleep with reflective thoughts on the day, amazed by all that had been fit in 13 hours, and looking forward to the days and weeks ahead.
Best Bed: Roberto M.
Best Cabin: Chipmunk Hole
Super Camper: Eli M.