Pizza Friday! – July 28th
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

Ding ding ding! Rise and shine Birch Rock, it’s a late wake up today.! Happy Friday as well. In fact, today is the first Pizza Friday of Second Session! The morning was kicked off by Tom C. swimming his loon. Way to go! Da Bears finally returned to camp from their trips to the Rangeley Lakes and the Presidential Mountain Range. Welcome back gents. Finally for the morning Jeffery Napier-Kane and the two Junior Maine Guide (JMG) candidates, Rainer D. and Niko T., came back from their five day excursion to the testing site. The pair performed superbly and eagerly await their test results. Congratulations to them!
Everybody on campus was on the edge of their beds waiting for Musc to ring the lunch bell to kick off Pizza Friday! Shoutout to Jon and the kitchen crew for making delicious food three meals a day. A new meal rule was instated by yours truly to promote the shaking of hands and making of friends by requiring no more than two campers per cabin to be at a table together.
The dinner conversations in the evening were certainly more lively and diverse. Jumping back to third and fourth period, Emmet C. and James K. both earned the Junior Tennis badges, Wyatt K. And Tom C. earned their GOBs, the Junior Boating badge, and Eton M. earned his Junior Kayaking badge! I love seeing all the hard work across campus. The day ended with a rowdy game of kickball for Lower Camp and a thrilling game of dodgeball for Upper Camp. Thus, another day has ended and a good time was had by all!
Written by John Flannery
Best Cabin: Hornet’s Nest
Best Bed: Zech I.
Super Camper: Archer C.