The Quiet Place, or is it? – July 29th
Posted by: Birch Rock Camp

As I look back on this day, I think it may have been the most chaotic of my time at Birch Rock. Throughout the day, camp’s population kept growing. But first, we woke up to a very much needed late, late wakeup. After breakfast, during cleanup, the whale bell rang! Luis G, swimming the most perfectly consistent breast stroke I’ve ever seen, finished his whale in an amazing sub 3-hour time!
We then went into second period, where campers all over enjoyed the beautiful morning. Canoeing and kayaking came together as the wind got unruly, and we all eventually made it back to shore. Lunch was where things got interesting! With board members and alumni in full force, there were many new faces at camp to enjoy Luis’ carrot whale cake.
Afterwards, we headed down to the waterfront for a very special event. We all stood in front of Zig House, a cabin built in 2019, and dedicated it to the Herzig family. The Herzigs have been a driving force behind Birch Rock for many decades, and it was awesome to finally recognize them and their generosity. Next, as rain started pouring, we made our way onto the Disco Deck. The camper’s swim tent, previously unnamed, was christened “Toby’s” after the late Toby Brewster. His sons Peter and Eli spoke about what Birch Rock meant to Toby, and Seth, his youngest son, unveiled the plaque made for him. Now that we were all proficiently soaked, we continued to 4th period, and the rain made kayaking fun!
We did a staggered dinner, with lower camp eating first and fast, and then upper camp and the visiting board of trustees enjoyed some delicious steak and salmon. We then had a long rest period before Campfire, allowing the procrastinating cabins to write up a secret society themed skit. I think this Campfire was the best one this summer.
We started off exceptionally strong, with the board performing a Greek god skit for the ages. Highlights included Mike Castelli’s Dionysus, Francie Campbell’s Janice, and Paul Tringale as Paul Tringale. My personal favorite part was seeing my mom in the chorus! The board gave us a tough skit to beat, but cabins whipped secret societies of bunnies, sleepers, Hiltonites, ad more, that were just awesome.
Another moment for the history books had to be the “Quiet Place,” where we watched Sam R, Matt S, Callum M, and Zak M get their legs waxed while trying not to blow the whistle in their mouth. We finished with an awesome rendition of Wagon Wheel, headlined by Rich Deering himself, and went to bed smiling, wet and tired.
Super Camper: Luis G